Regulations of the Antares N.I.A. Database website
- Website – Internet website owned by the Administrator of the website available at http://antaresdatabase.com/ and the subdomains of this address, containing a set of websites performing specific functions on the website as part of which the Administrator provides services, including a service consisting in the possibility of playing an online game of Antares N.I.A. Database.
- The website on which the game Antares N.I.A. Database is available and can be played is administered by Portal Games Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, with its registered office in Gliwice (44-100 Gliwice) at ul. Św. Urbana 15, entered to the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court in Gliwice, 10th Economic Division of the National Court Register under KRS No. 0000617095, NIP (Tax Identification No.) 6312660554, REGON (Statistical No.) 363435596, with the share capital of PLN 266,500.00, paid up in full. If you have any questions, you may contact us at any time by sending an email to the address: portal@portalgames.pl.
- Game – the game: Antares N.I.A. Database is a service provided by the Administrator of the website only after registration of the User Account. Antares N.I.A. Database is an online game whose successful completion requires analytical and logical thinking from the User. In the Game, the User’s ability to solve logical puzzles is of great importance and, at the same time, there are no elements of randomness or incidence. Therefore, the Game is not a game of chance, number game, raffle lottery, mutual bet, cash lottery, audiotext lottery, promotional lottery, a game whose result depends on chance or any other game provided for in the Act of 19 November 2009 on Gambling.
- A User of the website is a person who has created a User Account by filling in the registration form on the website: http://antaresdatabase.com/login.
- User Account or Account – a service of maintaining the User Account provided by the Administrator of the website which is available after the Registration under the rules described in the Regulations, consisting in making an individual panel available to the User and providing the User with a possibility of using the Game. In this panel, the data provided by the User upon the registration of the User Account are gathered.
- Subscriber – a person who has subscribed to the Newsletter after giving their consent thereto.
- Newsletter – a service made available by the Administrator of the website consisting in sending marketing and commercial information, in particular, information about new items, products and services, including new game scenarios, new additions to the game, promotional campaigns, etc. in the form of an email sent by electronic mail to the email address provided by the Subscriber upon the subscription to the Newsletter in order to pursue the legitimate interest of the Administrator consisting in direct marketing.
- In order to use the services, the User has to meet the minimum technical requirements, in particular, in terms of devices with software enabling Internet access and browsing its resources.
- In order to register the User Account, sign up to the Newsletter and use the game Antares N.I.A. Database, it is necessary to have an active electronic mail (email) account.
- The Game is supported by the majority of popular web browsers, types of Internet connection and operating systems.
- Technical requirements necessary for cooperation with the ICT system through which the Administrator of the website provides electronic services:
- computer or another device allowing for the use of the Website,
- Internet access,
- appropriate software, including, as a minimum, a web browser: Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Google Chrome 4 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or higher, Opera 10 or higher, Safari 4 or higher, with current versions of Java and Flash installed.
- If the User uses the website on a tablet, telephone or another mobile device, some functionalities of the website may not work properly or may not work at all, and using some of the electronic services provided at the website may be impossible or hindered.
- The Administrator of the website declares that the public nature of the Internet and using services provided by electronic means may pose a threat of obtaining and modifying the Users’ data by unauthorised persons; therefore, the Users should apply appropriate technical measures that will minimise the threats indicated above, in particular, they should use anti-virus software protecting the identity of Internet users. The Administrator of the website never asks the User to provide the password to the Administrator.
- Using the website, including the Game, is based on using the so-called Cookies technology. Detailed information concerning the use of Cookies are described in the Privacy Policy.
- The Regulations of the Antares N.I.A. Database website define the rules of using the website and the types and conditions of providing services by electronic means by the Administrator of the websiste, Portal Games Sp. z o.o., as well as the conditions for concluding and terminating such services and the complaint mode. The owner of the website provides services via the website free of charge.
- The Administrator of the website provides a free-of-charge service consisting in sending the Newsletter upon prior consent of the Subscriber. The details of sending the Newsletter, signing up to the Newsletter and resigning from its receipt are described in the Privacy Policy.
- The Administrator of the website provides a free-of-charge service consisting in the Registration and maintaining of the User Account, as well as providing the User with access to the Account by logging in, if the User has decided to create an Account. Creation of the User Account is required to obtain access to the free-of-charge service of the Antares N.I.A. Database Game.
- Creating and having a User Account, playing the Game and using the Website is free of charge.
- The Administrator of the website provides services allowing the User to create the User Account on the website available at http://antaresdatabase.com/login. After the registration of the Account and every logging into the Account, the Administrator of the website provides the User with a possibility of using the available functionalities of the website, including the free-of-charge service of the Antares N.I.A. Database Game.
- Registering and maintaining the User Account are free of charge.
- In order to create the User Account, you should click the “Registration” button on the website. In the mandatory fields of the form, you have to enter the required data: name (login), email address, password. After checking the box about reading and accepting the Regulations and the Privacy Policy, which the User may read before creating the User Account, you should click the “Registration” button. In order to obtain access to the Account, you should activate it by clicking on the link which the User will receive at the email address provided during the Registration. At this time, an agreement on the provision of services by electronic means for creating and maintaining the User Account is concluded between the Administrator of the website and the User who has filled in the registration form.
- During the Registration, the User may voluntarily give their consent to the Newsletter, i.e. receiving commercial and marketing information to the email address provided by the User (in particular, information about new items, products and services, including new game scenarios, new additions to the game, promotional campaigns) from Portal Games Sp. z o.o. by checking the appropriate box below the registration form. The consent is voluntary and may be withdrawn at any time.
- After logging in to the webiste, in the “Profile” tab, the User can change the password or delete the account.
- The User may start to use the Game after completing the process of Registration of the User Account in the website by filling in and sending the registration form and accepting the provisions of the Regulations and the Privacy Policy.
- The Game may be played by a natural person meeting all of the following conditions:
- having attained the age of 16 as at the date of registration of the User Account,
- having read the Regulations and the Privacy Policy and having accepted the provisions of these documents,
- having access to the Internet and an active email box.
- The Users are forbidden to post any contents that are illegal, contrary to the law or good manners or violating the rights of other Users. The above-mentioned prohibitions concern, in particular, the nickname and the email address saved on the pages of the website.
- The Administrator of the website has the right to temporarily or permanently delete the User Account in the event of the User’s breach of obligation referred to in section 3 or if:
- the User acts in a manner which is contrary to the applicable law or inconsistent with the rules of ethics or good morals,
- the User uses technologies imitating human behaviour, in particular, bots,
- the User uses the Game in order to obtain certain information, including personal data of its Users, without authorisation,
- the User’s behaviour in the Game indicates the intention of performing an attack on the game mechanism or otherwise threatens the security of the Game or data of its Users.
- Blocking the access to the User Account for reasons referred to in sections 3 and 4 lasts for a period necessary to resolve the matter constituting the basis for blocking the access to the User Account.
- The Administrator of the website notifies the User about blocking the access to the User Account or about permanent deletion of the User Account by electronic means to the address provided by the User in the registration form.
- The User has a possibility of repeated and unlimited use of the Game available on the Website.
- The User has the right to use the website only for private and personal purposes.
- Both the User and the Administrator of the website may terminate the agreement on the provision of services by electronic means at any time, without stating the reason.
- The User may terminate the agreement on the provision of services by electronic means free of charge, at any time, by making a request to delete the Account from the database of the Game Users. The User may do this by using one of the following methods:
- in the website, after logging in, the functionality “delete the account” should be selected in the “profile” tab;
- the User sending a request for deletion of the Account from the database of the Game Users to the email address of the Administrator of the website: portal@portalgames.pl
- The Administrator of the website may terminate the agreement on the provision of services by electronic means by sending a relevant statement to the User by electronic means to the address provided by the User in the registration form.
- Deletion of the Account is tantamount to termination of the agreement on the provision of services by electronic means. Deletion of the Account results in the full erasure of the progress in the Game.
- Detailed rules of the Game are described in the “Help” tab which is available after logging at the website.
- The game is an analytical game based on the User’s logical thinking. The User has to solve the tasks presented to them during the game by analytical selection of the options presented to them.
- All materials made available on the website, in particular, texts, website graphics, game graphics, infographics, photos, game software, etc. are protected with copyrights of the Administrator of the website and the Administrator’s subcontractors and with copyrights of the game manufacturer or other third parties.
- The User using the Game or other services offered by the Administrator of the website does not acquire any copyrights to any contents, materials or software placed on the website.
- The contents, materials and software are made available by the Administrator of the website only for personal use. It is forbidden to copy or duplicate them or to otherwise commercially use them.
- It is forbidden to use any text, graphic or musical elements or elements of the code or the structure of the website in order to create derivative works for purposes other than permitted personal use.
- It is forbidden to copy, reproduce or disseminate any contents, including texts, graphics or software obtained from the pages of the website.
Detailed rules for the processing of personal data and using cookies are described in the Privacy Policy available at http://antaresdatabase.com/policy
- Any complaints or reservations related to the functioning of the website http://antaresdatabase.com/ should be sent by email to the address portal@portalgames.pl. A response to the complaint is sent to the email address of the User or in any other manner indicated by the User.
- The complaints will be examined within 14 days.
- A User being a Consumer may use out-of-court, alternative methods of dispute resolution (the so-called ADR). The User can find more detailed information about out-of-court methods of examining complaints and pursuing claims at the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection https://www.uokik.gov.pl/pozasadowe_rozwiazywanie_sporow_konsumenckich.php. The Consumer may use the EU platform for online system of resolution of disputes between Consumers and Entrepreneurs (ODR platform), available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
- The User may obtain access to these Regulations at any time via the link on the website. The Regulations may be recorded, obtained and reproduced by printing them or by saving them on a suitable data carrier.
- The Administrator of the website may change the provisions of the Regulations after prior notification of the Users by publishing a consolidated text of the Regulations in the portal, not later than within 14 days before the date of their entry into force. The Users will also be informed about any change of the Regulations in an email sent to the email address provided during the Registration of the User Account, no later than within 14 days before the date of their entry into force. In the event when the User does not accept the new content of the Regulations, the User is obliged to notify the Administrator of the website thereof, which results in the agreement on the provision of services by electronic means being terminated in accordance with the provisions of § 6 of the Regulations.
- Within the scope not regulated in these Regulations, the provisions of commonly applicable law, in particular, the provisions of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the Provision of Services by Electronic Means, shall apply.
- The Administrator of the website will exercise the utmost care in order to ensure the proper operation of the website.
- The Administrator of the website has the right to make technical breaks in providing access to the website and its contents.
- The Regulations come into force on 02.12.2020